카지노리거 Corp. is providing One-Stop service to the customers for all construction materials ranging from basic materials
such as ready-mixed concrete andrebar, etc. to finishing 카지노리거 such as gypsum board andtile, etc.
General construction 카지노리거
Ceramic tile refers to those made by molding clay raw material and then subjecting it to 1st firing after having been coated with glaze and then to 2nd firing. Since it is a material capable of containing moisture, it is used mostly for interior wall rather than on floors. Ceramic tile has high strength and heavy since it is fired at high temperature. It can be installed diversely on floor, and internal and external walls. Polishing tile is a high-gloss tile that produces the effects of marble through thermal processing of the tile surface. Due to its high durability, it is used on floor and wall. It is a highly preferred product due to its luxurious marble-like appearance and can be maintained for long time due to its high scratch-resistance. Inner and outer aspects of 포레신 tile are the same as it is not glazed and it can be used semi-permanently due to its outstanding durability and wear-resistance.
- Porcelain tile
- Ceramic tile
- Polishing / Porcelain tile
- Adhesive tile
- Stone tile
Guidance to personnel in charge
- Tile
- Sales Team 1Doo-yong LeeAssistant Manager
- 02-3704-3300
- dylee@카지노리거
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